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Margaret Egan
Margaret Egan

megan (at) eganconsulting (dot) com

Margaret M. Egan has been professionally committed to serving the nonprofit sector for over 30 years. She has held positions at several philanthropic foundations, including Surdna Foundation, Inc., For All Kids Foundation and the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. Ms. Egan started Egan Consulting in the late 1990's and has provided services to over 70 small businesses, philanthropic foundations and other nonprofit organizations. Margaret is respected in the fields of project  development and management, grants and knowledge management, organizational development and collaborating with clients where  technology can maximize their strategy and operations. She is known for excellence in project management, systems creation and strategies leading to efficiencies in overall operations. Margaret is a co-founder of PEAK Grantmaking a professional network with over 9,000 members in the philanthropic space.

Our mission > improve the way people use information in order to advance organizational effectiveness and enhance communications that improve sharing knowledge in the workplace.

We are all "Network Weavers" please reach out should our support or services for a tailored response meet your project requirements.

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megan (at) eganconsulting (dot) com